Friday, May 9, 2014

New Programs

There are changes coming for the Cub Scout program.  Venturing is changing too.  It is said that nothing in life is assured except change.  But why the change now and what is the goal?  Under the BSA National Strategic 411 Plan an assessment was made to insure that the all Scouting programs are still dynamic and relevant to today's youth and families.  The findings proved that Scouting aims and methods are still relevant in today's world such as character development, participatory citizenship, personal fitness, outdoor skills and awareness and leadership/life skills.  In fact these are more important than ever before.  The new Cub program is focused on core adventures that help instill our timeless values in a better and improved way.  Last month I was at one of our great state parks in Utah with my neighborhood troop.  Our Scouts all wore their activity shirts which made a great impression on the many visitors who were there which raised the bar on our behavior and demeanor.  I saw other Scouts there with no identifying uniform.  One boy's shirt caught my attention.  The words printed in big bold letters on the front said 'It's not about you - It's all about me!'  I'm not sure if he knew that his shirt was giving the wrong message, a selfish message but certainly it was not the message I would want any Cub Scout or younger sibling to emulate.  True leaders care more about others than themselves. Scouting needs to so inviting, so fun and so inspiring that every youth who joins will be fortified with values to help them make good choices all their lives and become tomorrow's leaders.

 In Wood Badge training there is a session entitled 'Leading Change'.  Scouts deal with change every day as the grow and mature.  Adults watch these changes with great anticipation, hoping for a better tomorrow as we help youth be empowered by Scouting values.  I know of no better Scout Youth training that creates a culture of leadership and change then NYLT Silver Moccasin, On Belay and Kodiak.  For adults it is Wood Badge Leadership training.

 May each of us help create the exciting culture that embraces change so we can draw in more youth and protect them with adventures that last a lifetime.

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