Monday, June 24, 2013

Great Salt Lake Council

Message of Celebration to our Wonderful Volunteers

Founded in 1910 the Boy Scouts of America is the largest and most enduring, training and development organization for young men in the United States.  History says that youth of that day were perhaps losing their way in following the path of the American charter and values.

This year we are celebrating 100 years of this movement in Utah.  Since the founding of BSA and it’s coming to Utah more than 110 million American boys (as well as girls beginning in 1969 with the Exploring – now Venturing and Learning for Life – programs) have passed through Scouting.    The impact of these tens of millions of Scouts over 100 years on American life and culture is all but immeasurable. 

From the book Four Percent: The story of uncommon youth in a century of American Life Michael Malone points out BSA quickly became an icon.  In recent surveys Boy Scouts of America is still seen overwhelming an important organization for youth develop.  The recognition and retention of current and former members of BSA of our values, the Scout Oath and Law, is off the chart.  This movement is still valued highly by the American public despite recent articles.  A scout in a uniform is a symbol of resourcefulness and skill, knowing and doing their duty to God, Country and helping other people at all times.

With such recognition we have become a target for cartoonist, satirist and social activist.  I reaffirm with all of us that Scouting is a youth character development and leadership training organization.

 Our mission is…

“Our mission – prepare all eligible youth to make ethical and moral choice over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.”

Our vision is….

“Our vision – provide opportunities, resources and support to all charter partners the will provide the promise of Scouting and a quality Scouting program to every youth within the boundaries of this Council.”

Now we have a great work to do.  This work is just as vital today as it was in 1910 if not more so.  Reaching out and inviting and rescuing our youth is an enormous work.  We need all hands on deck and all hearts committed to this sacred almighty work .   Scouting here in the Great Salt Lake Council has been strengthened by the new membership policy.  It has restated with emphasis on our duty to God value.  We now have a behavior statement.  Consider the choices young people have to make today.  Joining together with parents, faith and community partners Scouting is still the right place for our youth today.  I mention early of the term that many Scouts have “passed through Scouting”.  We have 2.6 million youth passing through right now, 76,000 right here in this Council.  Some are just coming in as Tiger Cubs.  Some are just leaving as seasoned 18 year olds Scouts and Venturers.  The real question for today is not whether Scouting is relevant or forgetting its traditions.  The question is …are the youth who are passing through Scouting having Scouting values passing into them?  Additional isn’t every youth in our neighborhood and community in need of Scouting passing through and into them?

This movement was inspired at the beginning and I believe it still is in God’s hands.  May we have the wisdom, personal integrity and strength to help Him and do our Duty to Him to prepare our youth for the next 100 years.

God bless you for your service to youth and the Boy Scouts of America.

Bryant S. Davis